Please join us on Tuesday
March 11th at 12:00 Noon
for a delicious
Potato Bar
St. Paul's United Methodist
Note: the Tuesday Potato Bar at St. Paul's
replaces our monthly lunch at a restaurant
Join us tuesdaY at Noon
for a potato bar
Please join us on Tuesday
March 11th at 12:00 Noon
for a delicious
Potato Bar
St. Paul's United Methodist
Note: the Tuesday Potato Bar at St. Paul's
replaces our monthly lunch at a restaurant
Putting faith, service and love into action is the hallmark of the United Methodist Church knowing all share a desire to seek God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. St. Paul's is an Idaho Falls church that is inclusive, where absolutely everybody is welcome - all shapes, sizes, colors, and backgrounds. ALL ARE WELCOME
1730 St. Clair Road, Idaho Falls
(corner of St. Clair and 17th Street)
What to Expect on Sundays: you will be greeted at the door, during service you will hear a scripture reading, Kid's Time with a message & fun demonstrations, a sermon message, music with our Chancel Choir and the Praise Team Band. The 4th Sunday of the month is "Laity Sunday" with a member of Trinity or St. Pau's sharing their message. Communion is offered weekly to everyone who wants to participate whether you are Methodist or not.
If you can not join us in church, a video broadcast is available. Click the Facebook button or search "stpaulsidahofalls" to watch live or later.
updates coming soon