Recently we learned what Baptism means, both as Methodists and what it was like when Jesus was alive. During our Kids Time the kids experienced the Baptismal Font and felt what it was like. Rev. Elizabeth demonstrated Immersion Baptism by leaning backward. Great worship morning followed by fellowship!
Putting faith, service and love into action is the hallmark of the United Methodist Church knowing all share a desire to seek God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. St. Paul's is an Idaho Falls church that is inclusive, where absolutely everybody is welcome - all shapes, sizes, colors, and backgrounds. ALL ARE WELCOME
1730 St. Clair Road, Idaho Falls
(corner of St. Clair and 17th Street)
What to Expect on Sundays: you will be greeted at the door, during service you will hear a scripture reading, Kid's Time with a message & fun demonstrations, a sermon message, music with our Chancel Choir and the Praise Team Band. The 4th Sunday of the month is "Laity Sunday" with a member of Trinity or St. Pau's sharing their message. Communion is offered weekly to everyone who wants to participate whether you are Methodist or not.
If you can not join us in church, a video broadcast is available. Click the Facebook button or search "stpaulsidahofalls" to watch live or later.
NEWCOMERS GATHERING on Sunday, January 12th 3PM at the Parsonage with Rev. Elizabeth; sign-up sheet is available or call the office.
LADIES LUNCHEON this month on Tuesday, January 14th 1:00pm we will be meeting at Sizzler
NEW BOOK STUDY CLASSES begin January 23rd (Women's study Thursdays at 1:00pm) and January 24th (CO-ED study Fridays at 2:30pm) "The Message of Jesus (words that changed the world)" by Adam Hamilton.
See the current Newsletter for more information /newsletters
NEW book study
"The Message of Jesus" by Adam Hamilton
Words that Changed the World (6 week study)
Women's Study beginning Thursdays January 23rd 1:00pm
CO-ED Study beginning Friday January 24th 2:30pm
More than 3 billion people claim to follow Jesus. But aside from a few verses, how many actually know what he thought? In fact, much of what people think Jesus taught, he never said. In this 6-week study, Adam Hamilton explores six of the most important themes in Jesus's teachings, why they matter, and how they speak to us today. See /newsletters for more information.
- Weekly Sunday 11:00am at 11:00am each week
- Monthly on the 2nd Wednesday at 12 Noon soup, dessert and social gathering. February 4th Noon
- NEWCOMERS GATHERING January 12th 3pm at the Parsonage with Rev. Elizabeth; sign-up sheet is available or call the office.
- Monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at 1:00pm, the Ladies Luncheon meets at a different restaurant each month, check newsletter for location, January 14th, 2025 1PM at the Sizzler
- Monthly on the 2nd Thursday at 1:00pm the United Women in Faith (UMF) meets at Trinity. February 13, 2025 1 PM
- Weekly Choir practices on Sunday at 10:30 AM and 12:30PM
- Weekly Praise Team Band Practice on Wednesdays at 7:00pm
- Weekly Wednesday at 9:30 AM the Women's Outreach Ministry meeet to socialize and/or working sessions (i.e. making CASA blankets, etc.)
- Weekly Wednesday at 9:00 AM is the Men's Coffee Group at Perkins Restaurant
- February 20 - March 27, 2025. A 6-week Book study "Our Hearts Were Strangely Lukewarm" by John Elford explores the history of United Methodism, Slavery and White Supremacy. It is sponsored by the United Methodists of Idaho Falls. Bible Study will be Thursdays 6:30 PM at Trinity United Methodist Church or available via zoom.