The Idaho Falls Methodists have two services each Sunday Services are 9:00am at Trinity United Methodist Church, 237 N Water Ave, Idaho Falls, Id and 11:00am at St. Paul's UMC, 1730 St. Clair, Idaho Falls. The 4th Sunday each month is called Laity Sunday and we will hear speaker's message from Trinity or St. Paul's congregation.
all events will be at St. Paul's unless stated otherwise
at two IDAHO FALLS cHURCHes 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM
MONTHLY Ladies luncheon
2nd tuesday 1pm
Each month the Idaho Falls Methodist women meet at a local restaurant for yummy food and community. NOVEMBER 12th 1:00pm at Papa Tom's on Woodruff (east side) Lunches alternate location between east and west sides of town.
MONTHLY soup for the soul
2nd wednesDAy monthly at 12 noon
November 13th - Lasagna soup
Soup for the Soul is an Idaho Falls United Methodists Mission to provide free soup once a month. Nourishing your Body and Spirit together. Everyone is welcome especially those in need of a warm meal and community. Soup and dessert will be served at St. Paul's United Methodist church.
bible study classes
4-Week Advent Study begins November 21st and 22nd
Study of "The Angels of Christmas Hearing God's Voice in Advent" by Susan Robb explores the four angelic visits surrounding the birth of Jesus with Zechariah, Mary, Joseph and the shepherds.
November 21st for Thursday 1:00pm classes
November 22nd for Friday 2:30pm classes
All classes held at St. Paul's UMC. Contact the office for more information.
women's outreach ministry
wednesdays 9:30am each week
Women's Outreach is a dedicated group of women often working on community mission projects and helping with church events. This year, they helped supply/assemble 150 Easter Baskets for the Bonneville County children in the CASA program, tied blankets for Rise Up teens & children in crisis. They meet each Wednesday at 9:30am in the Fellowship Hall at St. Paul's. Come join us!
weekly men's coffee group
wednesdays 9:00am at perkins
Each Wednesday the Men's group meets at Perkins Restaurant on Channing Way at 8:30am or 9:00am. For further information contact the church office.
3rd sunday of the month
3:00pm workshops
The 3rd Sunday of each month St. Paul's and Trinity have a gathering to learn what is happening as the two churches work together even as we maintain two worship sites, and help guide the direction. Read the newsletter to find out which church location where the workshop will be held.